The Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival is thrilled to offer a youth KSFF Workshop Scholarship for 2024!
The Nicole Scholarship is made to encourage Kentucky youth to participate in events and pursue education in the field of natural fiber artisanship.
Kentucky youth ages 9-21 years of age may apply. Acceptance is based on applicant's ability to show how the scholarship will help them learn necessary skills to pursue a lifetime interest in making natural fiber artisanship a part of their future.
Scholarships will be awarded of up to half of the cost of one workshop per year. Scholarship amounts awarded will depend on the available funding. Three recipients will be chosen for 2024. Recipients will be notified before the event if their application will receive funding. A one page completed follow-up questionnaire, signed by the event coordinator or workshop instructor, is required to be submitted after completion of the event or class. A check from KSWPA (KY Sheep and Wool Producers Association) will be mailed after the follow-up event report is submitted by the scholarship recipient to KSWPA.
Application deadline is May 1, 2024.